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It should not be a feature of the application-level logger. Log rotation should be done by an external program (like logrotate(8)) that can compress and delete old log entries. Log rotation is not provided with Logrus. Use logrus for standard log output // Note that `log` here references stdlib's log // Not logrus imported under the name `log`. Nicely color-coded in development (when a TTY is attached, otherwise just plain text): For an in-depth explanation of the casing issue, see this comment. Any package that isn’t, should be changed. Everything using logrus will need to use the lower-case: /sirupsen/logrus. Some environments experienced problems with the upper-case variant, so the lower-case was decided. Due to the Go package environment, this caused issues in the community and we needed a standard. Seeing weird case-sensitive problems? It’s in the past been possible to import Logrus as both upper- and lower-case. Check out, for example, Zerolog, Zap, and Apex. Logrus would look like those, had it been re-designed with what we know about structured logging in Go today. Many fantastic alternatives have sprung up. There doesn’t seem to be a reason to do a major, breaking iteration into Logrus V2, since the fantastic Go community has built those independently. I believe Logrus’ biggest contribution is to have played a part in today’s widespread use of structured logging in Golang. Logrus will continue to be maintained for security, (backwards compatible) bug fixes, and performance (where we are limited by the interface). It’s simply too hard to do in a way that won’t break many people’s projects, which is the last thing you want from your Logging library (again…). Logrus is a structured logger for Go (golang), completely API compatible with the standard library logger.

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